Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Memoirs of a Gay-Sha: Chapter 9


By: Ace


"AHAHAHHA, now we're even" He continued laughing.

"Fuck you Rei!" I suddenly blurted out because he punched really hard and I was surprised. 

"Is that a threat? Or an invitation? I'm open to your suggestion." He laughed his annoying laugh again.

Dan suddenly stood up, left his seat and went outside without saying a word. Why does he keep on doing that, the walking away thing.

"Hanz, I told you to stop spacing out. The next time you space out again, I'll steal something from you."

He told me with a devilish grin showing his cute dimple.

"You could have told me nicely Rei, not punch me." I harshly said
"What were you thinking of this time?" He asked.

"Why is Dan always like that?" I interrupted. He seemed so mysterious. I didn't know any details.

"What do you mean?" Rei asked, his eyebrows were raised, as if curious and annoyed at the same time.

"He doesn't talk, he keeps his head down, he's so slow and lazy. Does he have a lot of friends?"
I wanted to ask a lot about this enigmatic guy beside me.

"Whoah slow down, are you trying to make a scrap book?" He teased.

"I asked you seriously Rei, for once will you stop being annoying. I'm just curious."

"He just transferred here last year. He was like that when he arrived. You should see him play basketball, I'm sure you'll rethink the slow and lazy part. He transforms when he's in the game."

"Does he have a lot of friends here?" I had more questions in my mind.

"He's actually not very friendly, even in our team he doesn't talk much. He says something when its necessary other than that, you won't hear him talk too much. Most of the time he just nods or smiles. But he doesn't have any enemies. Either they are afraid of how big he is or they just can't seem to find any reason to hate the guy. I mean if you look at him. He's like some sort of... I can't put my finger on it, but maybe like a mountain. I mean he's just there. Very visible and silent but deep. Or maybe like an inactive volcano waiting to erupt. I don't know him that much, he could be a cyborg, robot or alien"

Rei looked annoyed, like he didn't want me to ask so many questions about Dan, it was obvious in the way he acted. 

"Aren't you gonna ask anything about me Hanz? I'm sure I can answer you." 

That was unexpected. Why would I be interested in you. I'm sure you'll be the first to tell me unnecessary things about yourself, like the time you defeated a dragon and random bullshit you make up. But anyway, I didn't have much to do so. I thought of something that he would answer seriously.

"How would you define love Rei?" I did answer that question for him and it reminded me that he had some questions in mind before I could finish. Out of curiosity maybe I should pursue the topic.
Love is intriguing, everyone supposedly experiences it yet no one has ever completely explained how it works. There are very thin lines separating infatuations, crushes, likes, adoration, admiration so many words yet they all refer to one thing. Attraction.

He looked somewhat surprised from the looks in his eyes.

"I honestly don't know. I haven't experienced love yet. Or maybe I have I just can't make sure of it. I mean, its unexpected. You'll never know when it comes and when it does you become confused. You have no idea what to do with it. I mean falling in love is like making yourself vulnerable, you give your heart to someone else and hope with all you got, that they don't break it."

He looked liked he was in a daze and that he wanted to say a few more things but he didn't say anything else.

He asked me, just to break the silence...
"Hmmm... Well I was thinking of that we should get lunch together. I didn't see you take your lunch yesterday." 

Was he following me yesterday then? What an odd guy, but the thought of eating lunch with him... Yesterday's snack was a disaster. Maybe I should say no. I might end up not eating anything if he decides to take all my food.

"Hanz, you don't have to say yes. All you have to do is eat with me later." He went back to his seat and I couldn't even say anything to avoid his invitation. I couldn't make up any excuses.

Dan returned and went back to sleeping on his shirt, he looked so peaceful.

I wanted to sleep as well, so I crossed my hands on top of my table and started sleeping. I could still hear my classmates talking and running about. The background noise started fading away, I was a bit tired from thinking too much last night and I ended up sleeping less.

I was barely conscious but I could feel someone caressing the hair on my head. Petting me like a puppy. Repeatedly.
I didn't care, I thought I was dreaming or half asleep. I didn't pay too much attention to it. It felt kind of nice actually someone touching your hair while you're half-asleep or half-awake. 


I realized that I had fallen asleep I don't know if the person touching my hair continued or not. I had a hazy memory of that event. 

I was jolted awake by the bell ringing signaling our first recess, we still had no teacher. It was announced earlier that all the faculty would have a meeting so it was expected. There were only student council members roaming around checking which classrooms were too noisy. Which seemed like another one of the useless things that schools do. If they wanted students to be silent when there were no teachers. They should have carpeted the school and made walls out of egg cartons. To minimize noise.

Some of my classmates were leaving and some just stayed inside and continued their banter.
I noticed Dan was still sleeping beside me. The bell didn't even wake him up. Slowpoke. 

I couldn't see Rei inside the room, he must have taken his snacks. Why am I even looking for him.

I decided to open my bag, to take a book and read something. I was curious when I saw a piece of yellow plastic. When I tried to take it, thinking it was some sort of trash. To my surprise it was a mini toblerone. 

That's odd. "Who could have put it here, its not like yaya would put something like that in my bag. I don't remember bringing any chocolates with me. Could it be? No way, why would he?" 
I put it back in my bag, it could be some sort of magical thingy. I don't know. Maybe if I eat it, I'll never be able to return to the real world and get stuck in some fairy dimension or I could fall into eternal sleep and wait for the kiss to wake me up.I laughed at myself. I'm being crazy again. Too much anime.

I took my english book and randomly opened it.
I started reading excerpts from Don Quixote of La Mancha. I could somewhat relate. He had all sorts of delusions in his head, the only difference is that he followed those delusions and strove to make it as real as possible. I found it quite admirable, but crazy. To live your dreams. Not many have the courage to do that these days. They bend to social standards and they regret it. Why do we even have to live by standards that other people set. 

I continued to ponder Don Quixote, while looking outside the window. The trees were visible and the day was clear. I could still hear my classmates continuing their laughs and discussions..

I was brought back to earth, from the adventures inside my head. By a sudden kiss to my cheeks.

To be continued...

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